In order to test a candidate, you must first generate a licence code.  One licence code is required for each individual test.

To generate a license code for testing candidates: 

  1. Click on "2. Generate Licence Code(s)".

  2. The next screen will show the number of test credits available for each type of test. (N.B. if you have already generated licence codes, you can access these by pressing 'Take a test with one of these codes' at the bottom of this page.)
  3. Consider the number of candidates your require licence codes for; e.g. if you expect to test 20 candidates this week, you may wish to generate 20 license codes.  Enter this value in the box and select "Generate".
  4. A list of some of your licence codes appears.  Each licence code is unique; it should be 16 characters long and comprise only alphanumeric characters, e.g. 6FE26177EEAD7012
  5. To begin the test, you can either click "Start test" to begin immediately, or copy/paste the licence code(s) to another PC.

You can see all the licence codes available by clicking on "View all licence codes" at the bottom of the page.  A full list of codes will appear on screen.